Trắc nghiệm Vocabulary and Grammar Unit 1 lớp 12 Tiếng Anh Lớp 12
Câu 1:
Choose the best answer:
------- months of work to sell the Apton Building, the realtor finally succeeded last weekA. Besides
B. After
C. Still
D. For
Câu 2:
Choose the best answer:
The hotel’s ------- shuttle bus will take guests to Hong Kong’s major landmarksA. compliments
B. complimentary
C. compliment
D. complimenting
Câu 3:
Choose the best answer:
You need to -------a business plan before your loan application can be processedA. donate
B. request
C. confess
D. submit
Câu 4:
Choose the best answer:
The study showed that customers aged 35 to 44 paid with a Sonoka credit card ------- than customers in any other age-groupA. frequently
B. frequent
C. more frequently
D. frequency
Câu 5:
Choose the best answer:
The upcoming ------- of Tantino Airport will ease congestion and modernize guest accommodationsA. performance
B. supplement
C. deadline
D. renovation
Câu 6:
Choose the best answer:
If you have recently -------a digital camera and want to learn how to use it, this course is for youA. purchased
B. purchase
C. purchasing
D. purchase
Câu 7:
Choose the best answer:
Buses leaving the city terminal were delayed due to icy conditions ------- the roadsA. on
B. out
C. from
D. until
Câu 8:
Choose the best answer:
Mr. Gupta explained the ------- of the upgraded customer database to the sales teamA. beneficial
B. benefits
C. benefited
D. benefiting
Câu 9:
Choose the best answer:
To help the arts center improve its programming, please indicate which aspect of the workshop was most -------A. informative
B. primary
C. enthusiastic
D. financial
Câu 10:
Choose the best answer:
The new interns have been very mindful of ------- parking regulationsA. theirs
B. ours
C. our
D. they
Câu 11:
Choose the best answer:
Ms. DeSoto ------- all employees to come to last week’s budget meeting even though only officers were obligated to attendA. to have urged
B. had urged
C. will have urged
D. was urged
Câu 12:
Choose the best answer:
Jansen Bus Company drivers are expected to complete regular trainings ------- maintaining their state licensesA. in addition to
B. according to
C. inside
D. within
Câu 13:
Choose the best answer:
The chief engineer noted that constructing another bridge would be more ------- than repairing the existing structureA. economy
B. economics
C. economically
D. economical
Câu 14:
Choose the best answer:
Complaints about its new line of kitchen appliances led Loxevo, Inc., to adopt higher -------for assessing qualityA. standards
B. features
C. risks
D. institutions
Câu 15:
Choose the best answer:
------- the most challenging aspect of accepting a new position is negotiating a salary that is both fair and satisfyingA. Perhaps
B. Outside
C. Every
D. While
Câu 16:
Choose the best answer:
South Regent Aviation is adopting measures to reduce fuel expenses by -------cargo loadsA. light
B. lighten
C. lightly
D. lightening
Câu 17:
Choose the best answer:
For hiring purposes, five years of professional experience is ------- to having achieved certificationA. reasonable
B. appropriate
C. equivalent
D. significant
Câu 18:
Choose the best answer:
The equipment-use guidelines ------- on our internal corporate Web siteA. may find
B. can be found
C. have found
D. have to find
Câu 19:
Choose the best answer:
Mr. Koster is negotiating the ------- of the new contract with Arban, IncA. scope
B. turn
C. grip
D. drive
Câu 20:
Choose the best answer:
Ricardo Sosa, the executive chef at Restaurant Ninal, responds to guests’ suggestions -------A. respect
B. respects
C. respectfully
D. respected
Câu 21:
Choose the best answer:
------- higher than average ticket prices, every performance of Aiden North’s new play is sold out for the next six monthsA. Throughout
B. Except for
C. Despite
D. Prior to
Câu 22:
Choose the best answer:
Proceeds from the sale of Delecrest Corporation were equally ------- among the founder’s three daughtersA. divisions
B. dividing
C. divide
D. divided
Câu 23:
Choose the best answer:
------- of tasks can make a manager’s job easier and help other employees learn new skillsA. Reputation
B. Foundation
C. Delegation
D. Permission
Câu 24:
Choose the best answer:
Even though Cabrera Pictures and Marcella Images make very different films, ------- are successful movie studiosA. several
B. everybody
C. some
D. both
Câu 25:
Choose the best answer:
Yesterday’s storm ------- interrupted the services of the Duddula, Inc., satellite communications systemA. annually
B. anytime
C. whenever
D. temporarily
Câu 26:
Choose the best answer:
The ------- initiative aims to provide public transportation for commuters living in the outer suburbsA. proposed
B. proposing
C. proposal
D. propose
Câu 27:
Choose the best answer:
The committee will resume its weekly meetings -------Ms. Cheon returns from Scotland on September 17A. that
B. once
C. as well
D. then
Câu 28:
Choose the best answer:
Drivers on the Partan Expressway are reminded to drive ------- throughout July because of the ongoing construction workA. caution
B. cautiously
C. cautious
D. cautiousness
Câu 29:
Choose the best answer:
Children under five years of age are eligible ------- free vision testsA. over
B. down
C. for
D. out
Câu 30:
Choose the best answer:
Ms. Garcia was delighted to receive ------- that her company soon will be featured in the In Town Times magazineA. notify
B. notification
C. notifying
D. notifies
Câu 31:
Choose the best answer:
Each quarter, Acaba Exports sets ------- goals for its staffA. compact
B. wealthy
C. faithful
D. realistic
Câu 32:
Choose the best answer:
Ms. Jones has provided a ------- estimate of the costs of expanding distribution statewideA. conserve
B. conserves
C. conservative
D. conservatively
Câu 33:
Choose the best answer:
Mr. Ahmad decided to reserve a private room for the awards dinner ------- the restaurant was noisyA. rather than
B. in case
C. such as
D. unless
Câu 34:
Choose the best answer:
If your parking permit is damaged, bring it to the entrance station for a -------A. replacement
B. replacing
C. replace
D. replaces
Câu 35:
Choose the best answer:
The board of Galaxipharm ------- Mr. Kwon’s successor at yesterday’s meetingA. named
B. granted
C. founded
D. proved
Câu 36:
Choose the best answer:
A team of agricultural experts will be brought ------- to try to improve crop harvestsA. because
B. either
C. between
D. together
Câu 37:
Choose the best answer:
Mr. Hardin ------- additional images of the office building he is interested in leasingA. informed
B. asked
C. advised
D. requested
Câu 38:
Choose the best answer:
To keep ------- park beautiful, please place your nonrecyclables in the available trash cansA. our
B. we
C. us
D. ours
Câu 39:
Choose the best answer:
Departmental restructuring will be discussed at the ------- monthly meeting.A. next
B. always
C. soon
D. like
Câu 40:
Choose the best answer:
Each quarter, Acaba Exports sets .... sales goals for its staffA. compact
B. wealthy
C. faithful
D. realistic
Câu 41:
Choose the best answer:
I will wait here until you ______ back tomorrowA. came
B. will come
C. come
D. have come
Câu 42:
Choose the best answer:
Our visit to Japan was delayed _______my wife’s illnessA. because
B. because of
C. in spite of
D. although
Câu 43:
Choose the best answer:
______ it rained heavily, we still went to school on timeA. Although
B. Because
C. However
D. Since
Câu 44:
Choose the best answer:
Our teacher explained the lesson slowly ______________ we might understand himA. and
B. so that
C. if not
D. or
Câu 45:
Choose the best answer:
We will wait her ____________ he comes backA. while
B. until
C. since
D. for
Câu 46:
Choose the best answer:
The countrytside air is fresh,________________, it’s not pollutedA. however
B. whenever
C. moreover
D. beside
Câu 47:
Choose the best answer:
_____________ you study harder, you won’t win the scholarshipA. Unless
B. Because
C. If
D. In order that
Câu 48:
Choose the best answer:
The undergone is cheap;_____________, it’s faster than the trainA. however
B. moreover
C. but
D. so
Câu 49:
Choose the best answer:
The class discussion was short;_____________, we gained some knowlegde from itA. however
B. moreover
C. although
D. therefore
Câu 50:
Choose the best answer:
You should keep the milk in the refrigerator_____________ it doesn’t go badA. since
B. so that
C. because
D. after