Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D):
Rogue waves are extremely large waves that are more than double the average height of most waves. According to mathematical calculations and various personal accounts, rogue waves can reach remarkable heights. They appear unexpectedly in calm waters and can do major damage, even to large ships. Unlike tsunamis, which are practically undetectable in deep water, rogue waves only occur far out at sea. Stories about rogue waves have circulated amongst sailors for centuries, but it was not until recently that scientists confirmed they actually exist. What they still are not sure of, however, is what causes them. Some instances of rogue waves have been explained by the interactions of normal wave patterns with ocean currents. Scientists believe that it is possible for waves to reach the heights described when they come into contact with strong ocean currents. The wave heights increase significantly when a normal wave reaches a current head on. In other words, the wave is built up by the power of the current. This explanation was first proposed after scientists observed a high incidence of rogue waves in the ocean surrounding the southern tip of Africa. In fact, since 1990, at least twenty ships have encountered the waves, which reportedly reached up to 190 feet. The waves are thought to be caused by wave interactions with the strong Agulhas Current, which runs southbound along the east coast of the continent.  
8. Which of the following is given definition in the passage?

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