Đề thi thử THPT QG năm 2021 môn Tiếng Anh

Trường THPT Thủ Đức

50 câu
60 phút
133 lượt thi
  • Câu 1:

    Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation: orchestra, chasm, chemical, orchard

    A. orchestra

    B. chasm

    C. chemical

    D. orchard

  • ADSENSE / 1
  • Câu 2:

    Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation: confine, conceal, convention, concentrate

    A. confine

    B. conceal

    C. convention

    D. concentrate

  • Câu 3:

    Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress: individual, expenditure, communicate, necessity

    A. individual

    B. expenditure

    C. communicate

    D. necessity

  • Câu 4:

    Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress: popularity, laboratory, politician, documentary

    A. popularity

    B. laboratory

    C. politician

    D. documentary

  • ZUNIA12
  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

    Câu 5:

    No matter how angry she was, she would never____________to violence.

    A. resolve

    B. recourse

    C. exert

    D. resort

  • Câu 6:

    She refuses to even listen to anyone else's point of view. She is very____________.

    A. open-minded

    B. kind-hearted

    C. narrow-minded

    D. absent-minded

  • Câu 7:

    I am inclined____________his complicity in the big fraud.

    A. about believing

    B. in believing

    C. for believing

    D. to believe

  • Câu 8:

    Do you know the woman____________next to our teacher?

    A. standing

    B. stood

    C. stand

    D. to stand

  • Câu 9:

    Not only____________to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.

    A. she refused

    B. did she refuse

    C. she did refuse

    D. when she refused

  • Câu 10:

    In my small house there are two rooms, ____________is used as the living-room.

    A. the large one

    B. the largest one

    C. the largest of which

    D. the larger of which

  • Câu 11:

    Luckily, by the time we got there, the painting____________.

    A. didn't sell

    B. hadn't sold

    C. wasn't sold

    D. hadn't been sold

  • Câu 12:

    She applied for paid leave but her boss rejected her application..............

    A. in hand

    B. on hand

    C. at hand

    D. out of hand

  • Câu 13:

    What is this? It is____________a horrible smell.

    A. giving down

    B. giving off

    C. giving up

    D. giving out

  • Câu 14:

    We have had the roof of our house____________.

    A. to replace

    B. replace

    C. been replaced

    D. replaced

  • Câu 15:

    They are going to have____________trip to Ha Long Bay next month.

    A. a two-day

    B. two-days

    C. two days'

    D. a two-day’s

  • Câu 16:

    It's not so much her looks I don't like____________her inability to listen.

    A. as

    B. more

    C. than

    D. for

  • Câu 17:

    She is____________to leave as soon as possible.

    A. cautious

    B. anxious

    C. worried

    D. nervous

  • Câu 18:

    Despite being a very good student, she didn't fulfill her____________later in life.

    A. making

    B. potential

    C. capacity

    D. aptitude

  • Câu 19:

    He was not aware that he had been under____________since his arrival.

    A. review

    B. consideration

    C. discussion

    D. surveillance

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

    Câu 20:

    He didn't bat an eye when he realized he failed the exam again.

    A. didn't show surprise

    B. didn't want to see

    C. didn't care

    D. wasn't happy

  • Câu 21:

    Your room is so cluttered. You should tidy it up immediately.

    A. messy

    B. clean

    C. confined

    D. unique

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

    Câu 22:

    At first, no one believed he was a pilot, but his documents lent colour to his statements.

    A. provided evidence for

    B. got information from

    C. borrowed colour from

    D. gave no proof of

  • Câu 23:

    I'm sorry I can't come to your birthday party this weekend - I'm up to my ears in work.

    A. very busy

    B. very bored

    C. very scared

    D. very idle

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.

    Câu 24:

    Jenifer: "Would you mind if I use your computer for an hour?" - Tim:" ____________".

    A. Not at all. I've finished my job.

    B. Yes, you can use it.

    C. Of course not. I still need it now.

    D. Yes, It's all right.

  • Câu 25:

    “Have you been able to reach Tom?" -"____________"

    A. There's no approval.

    B. It's much too high.

    C. Yes. I've known him for years.

    D. No. The line is busy.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

    Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but many people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner (or partners).

    For many people, romantic relationships comprise one of the most meaningful aspects of life, providing a source of deep fulfillment. The need for human connection appears to be (26) ____________- but the ability to form healthy, loving relationships is learned.

    Some evidence suggests that the ability to form a stable relationship starts to form in infancy, in a child's earliest experiences with a caregiver who reliably meet the infant's needs for food, care, warmth, protection, stimulation, and social contact. Such relationships are not destiny, but they are theorized to establish deeply ingrained patterns of relating to others.

    Failed relationships happen for many reasons, and the failure of a relationship is often a source of great psychological anguish. Most people have to work consciously to master the skills necessary to make relationships endure and flourish.

    Finding a partner with whom to share a life is a wonderful - yet somtimes difficult - process. (27) ____________it’s conducted online or in-person, the search will likely push an individual into unfamiliar settings to encounter potential partners. In order to be successful, it is often necessary to go outside one's comfort zone.

    Dating is a process by which people spend time with others in order to gradually determine whether a particular person is suitable (28) ____________a potential mate. Determining whether a connection reflects (29) ____________infatuation or true love can sometimes be

    challenging, but research suggests that there are revealing clues in behavior.

    One possibly counterintuitive indicator of a potential match is one's sense of self. Someone who would make a good partner may push an individual to discover new activities or beliefs that expand their self-concept. Another early signifier may be stress: repeatedly interacting with someone (30) ____________impression matters deeply to someone can fuel anxiety.

    Other indicators include being highly motivated to see the person and investing a significant amount of time, emotion, and energy into the budding relationship.

    Câu 26:


    A. innate

    B. difficult

    C. strong

    D. lost

  • Câu 27:


    A. When

    B. Where

    C. Whether

    D. If

  • Câu 28:


    A. with

    B. like

    C. since

    D. as

  • Câu 29:


    A. popular

    B. temporary

    C. accessible

    D. available

  • Câu 30:


    A. which

    B. that

    C. whose

    D. what

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

    Going to college or university in the United States is very expensive. A year at a prominent four-year university can cost almost $50,000, and this does not include the extra costs of housing, transportation, and other living expenses. There are, of course, less expensive options at colleges that also offer an excellent education. Most four-year colleges cost at least $10,000 per year, and many more are in the $20,000 to $30,000 range. For families in the United States, paying for the education of their children has become a major expense. Many families begin saving money from the time their children are born, and some states offer incentive plans for savings programs.

    As expensive as the tuition is, it should be noted that this hardly covers all the cost of providing an education. Buildings, equipment, and salary costs are increasingly expensive, with advanced technology adding tremendous costs for laboratories and other specialized facilities. Universities and colleges constantly seek support from foundations, corporations, and industry, as well as from local, state, or federal government.

    In addition to family funds and savings, there are two main types of funding for college: loans and grants. Loans are borrowed money that must be paid back, with interest, although the interest rates for student loans are lower than for some other types of loans. The early years of many workers' careers are spent trying to pay back student loans. Grants, including scholarships, are gifts of money that do not have to be paid back, but students often must fulfill certain obligations, such as maintaining a certain grade point average or demonstrating family need, in order to qualify. Scholarships are funds that are earned or competed for, and they may be based on the student's academic, athletic, or civic performance or on some other condition that has been met by the student or family. Identifying and accessing these funds can be confusing, and even disheartening, for families when they encounter the application forms. Colleges, secondary schools, and other organizations have offices to help students learn about funding resources.

    Tuition is only the beginning of the financial investment required for a U.S. education. Costs include educational fees - some are paid by everyone each term, others are related to the courses being taken. Students must also pay for housing; books; other materials; meals; health insurance and health care; local day-to-day transportation, including parking; and transportation to and from home; telephone and Internet use; and any other expenses. Normally, international students pay the higher out-of-state tuition rate at public institutions.

    Câu 31:

    Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

    A. The cost of college in the United States

    B. The advantages of going to college or university in the United States

    C. Types of funding for college in the United States

    D. Financial support from corporations or federal government for education in the United States

  • Câu 32:

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Students at a prominent university spend about $50,000 per year on their study and living expenses.

    B. Few four-year colleges cost at least $10,000 per year.

    C. Students studying at colleges which also offer a good education pay much more money than those studying at others.

    D. Attending university in the United States is costly.

  • Câu 33:

    Students must____________.

    A. repay student loans before graduation.

    B. have excellent academic performances or meet other requirements to win scholarships

    C. pay very high interest on their loans.

    D. fulfill certain obligations such as getting high grades to borrow money for college.

  • Câu 34:

    Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A. Student loans are money that is borrowed must be paid back.

    B. Most students in the United States don't have to borrow money for their study because they are rich.

    C. Students must compete for scholarships.

    D. Students must also pay for housing, transportation or other living expenses.

  • Câu 35:

    The word "disheartening" is closest in meaning to____________  .

    A. dishonest

    B. irritating

    C. discouraging

    D. embarrassing

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

    Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration, from towns and farms to cities, within the United States. The country had been overwhelmingly rural at the beginning of the century, with less than 5 percent of Americans living in large towns or cities. The proportion of urban percent by 1880 and to 46 percent by 1900. A country with only 6 cities boasting a population of more than 8,000 in 1800 had become one with 545 such cities in 1900. Of these, 26 had a population of more than 100,000 including 3 that held more than a million people. Much of the migration producing an urban society came from smaller towns within the United States, but the combination of new immigrants and old American "settlers" on America’s "urban frontier" in the late nineteenth century proved extraordinary.

    The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other. The agricultural revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city and made it possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people needed to provide a workforce for growing numbers of factories. Cities also provided ready and convenient markets for the products of industry, and huge contracts in transportation and construction - as well as the expanded market in consumer goods - allowed continued growth of the urban sector of the overall economy of the United States.

    Technological developments further stimulated the process of urbanization. One example is the Bessemer converter (an industrial process for manufacturing steel), which provided steel girders for the construction of skyscrapers. The refining of crude oil into kerosene, and later the development of electric lighting as well as of the telephone, brought additional comforts to urban areas that were unavailable to rural Americans and helped attract many of them from the farms into the cities. In every era the lure of the city included a major psychological element for country people: the bustle and social interaction of urban life seemed particularly intriguing to those raised in rural isolation.

    Câu 36:

    What aspects of the United States in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?

    A. Technological developments

    B. The impact of foreign immigrants on cities

    C. Standards of living

    D. The relationship between industrialization and urbanization

  • Câu 37:

    The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss____________.

    A. foreign immigration

    B. rural life

    C. the agricultural revolution

    D. famous cities of the twentieth century

  • Câu 38:

    What proportion of population of the United States was urban in 1900?

    A. Five percent

    B. Eleven percent

    C. Twenty-eight percent

    D. Forty-six percent

  • Câu 39:

    The word "stimulated" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to____________.

    A. forced

    B. prepared

    C. limited

    D. motivated

  • Câu 40:

    Why does the author mention "electric lighting" and "the telephone" the last paragraph?

    A. They contributed to the agricultural revolution

    B. They are examples of the conveniences of city life

    C. They were developed by the same individual.

    D. They were products of the Bessemer converter.

  • Câu 41:

    The word "them" in the last paragraph refers to____________.

    A. urban areas

    B. rural Americans

    C. farms

    D. cities

  • Câu 42:

    The word "intriguing" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to____________

    A. profitable

    B. comfortable

    C. attractive

    D. challenging

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

    Câu 43:

    (A) Many of the population (B) in our country (C) is composed (D) of farmers.

    A. Many

    B. in

    C. is composed

    D. of

  • Câu 44:

    (A) The more the relative humidity reading (B) rises, (C) the worst the heat (D) affects us.

    A. The more

    B. rises

    C. the worst

    D. affects

  • Câu 45:

    It is (A) disappointing that (B) almost tourists who (C) come to the country only visit the (D) same few overcrowded places.

    A. disappointing

    B. almost

    C. come

    D. same few

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

    Câu 46:

    "Don't be so disappointed Mary. You can take the driving test again," said Mark.

    A. Mark told Mary to be disappointed and take the driving test again.

    B. Mark asked Mary not to be disappointed and offered her another driving test.

    C. Mark warned Mary not to be disappointed in order to take the driving test again.

    D. Mark encouraged Mary to take the driving test again.

  • Câu 47:

    It is open to question as to whether my sister, Linda, will get the job.

    A. My sister, Linda, is being interviewed for the job.

    B. It is not certain that my sister, Linda, will get the job.

    C. The question is whether my sister, Linda, will get the job or not.

    D. If my sister, Linda, could answer the question, she would get the job

  • Câu 48:

    My father likes nothing better than playing football in his free time.

    A. My father doesn't like playing football in his free time.

    B. My father prefers playing football with his friends after work.

    C. Playing football is my father’s favourite enjoyment in his free time.

    D. My father not only likes football but also other sports in his free time.

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

    Câu 49:

    The boy was very bright. He could solve all the math problems quickly.

    A. He was such bright boy that he could solve all the math problems quickly.

    B. The boy was very bright that he could solve all the math problems quickly.

    C. He was so bright a boy that he could solve all the math problems quickly.

    D. Such bright was the boy that he could solve all the math problems quickly.

  • Câu 50:

    He didn't go to his friend's wedding party. She felt so sad.

    A. He was sad because his friend didn't go to his wedding party.

    B. He didn't go to his friend's wedding party, which made her feel sad.

    C. He didn't go to his friend's wedding party because she was sad.

    D. She didn't care about whether he came to her wedding party or not.