Đề thi HK2 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2023 - 2024

Trường THPT Nguyễn Thái Bình

40 câu
45 phút
8 lượt thi
  • Listen to the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks from 1 to 5.

    For many young people, sport is a popular part of school life and being in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. (1)________ someone is in a team, it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away (2)________ home, as many matches are played then.

    It can also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and then (3)________ on after the match for a meal or drink. Sometimes parents, friends or other friends will travel with the team to support their own side.

    When a team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, (4)________ only the players. It can also mean that a school (5)________ well-known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing for national and international teams so that the school has some really famous names associated with it!

    Câu 1:

    (1)________ someone is in a team, it means a lot of extra practice

    A. If

    B. So

    C. Then

    D. As

  • ADSENSE / 1
  • Câu 2:

    and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away (2)________ home, as many matches are played then.

    A. on

    B. at

    C. from

    D. for

  • Câu 3:

    It can also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and then (3)________ on after the match for a meal or drink.

    A. leaving

    B. being

    C. staying

    D. spending

  • Câu 4:

    When a team wins a match, it is the whole school which feels proud, (4)________ only the players. 

    A. however

    B. not

    C. and

    D. but

  • ZUNIA12
  • Câu 5:

    It can also mean that a school (5)________ well-known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing for national and international teams so that the school has some really famous names associated with it!

    A. does

    B. makes

    C. becomes

    D. comes

  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.

    Câu 6:

    The more expensive the hotel is, the best the service is.

    A. The more

    B. the hotel

    C. the best

    D. the service

  • Câu 7:

    When you will come here tomorrow, I will tell something about Tom.

    A. When 

    B. will come

    C. will tell

    D. about

  • Câu 8:

    The World Health Organization was established in 7 April 1948.

    A. The

    B. Organization

    C. established

    D. in

  • Câu 9:

    The earlier we leave, the soon we will arrive.

    A. earlier

    B. leave

    C. soon

    D. will

  • Câu 10:

    Remember to take over your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.

    A. Remember

    B. take over

    C. when

    D. in a Japanese house

  • Choose the word whose underlined word is pronounced differently from the others.

    Câu 11:

    A. horn

    B. vehicle

    C. hippo

    D. habitat

  • Câu 12:

    A. computer

    B. communication

    C. command

    D. complicated

  • Câu 13:

    A. desire 

    B. pursuit

    C. persuade

    D. compulsory

  • Câu 14:

    A. graduation

    B. education

    C. procedure

    D. study

  • Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.

    Câu 15:

    A. applicable

    B. automation

    C. artificial

    D. evolution

  • Câu 16:

    A. workforce

    B. high-flyer

    C. handshake

    D. headhunt

  • Câu 17:

    A. requirement

    B. overcome

    C. obedient

    D. career

  • Câu 18:

    A. machine

    B. robot

    C. human

    D. fiction

  • Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.

    Câu 19:

    Many wildlife reserves have been set up in this country.

    A. money reserves

    B. booking reservations

    C. protected areas

    D. emergency fund

  • Câu 20:

    I don't think people should be allowed to __________experiments on animals.

    A. create

    B. make

    C. perform

    D. produce

  • Câu 21:

    Researchers have ________to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.

    A. arrived

    B. come

    C. got

    D. reached

  • Câu 22:

    Thanks to the A.I. applications, Internet users ____________into a new language in real time.

    A. can translate webpages

    B. can have webpages translate

    C. can have webpages translated

    D. can get webpages to translate

  • Câu 23:

    Employers always want job ___________to be able to demonstrate their skills and qualities.

    A. employees

    B. workers

    C. staff

    D. applicants

  • Câu 24:

    Being a flight attendant is a _________job. You may have to work long hours on long haul flights and not get enough sleep.

    A. tedious

    B. demanding

    C. rewarding

    D. fascinating

  • Câu 25:

    When the factory closed, over a hundred people were __________redundant.

    A. made

    B. given

    C. taken

    D. done

  • Câu 26:

    The ultimate aim of lifelong learning is to better yourself for personal or professional development.

    A. utmost

    B. secondary

    C. trivial

    D. minimal

  • Câu 27:

    If I had a computer, I ___________the assignment last night.

    A. finished

    B. will finish

    C. would have finished

    D. would finish

  • Câu 28:

    If a person is___________, they are capable of hard work and effort without the need for encouragement.

    A. self-motivated

    B. self-employed

    C. self-absorbed

    D. self-controlled

  • Câu 29:

    Critical thinking skills enable students to __________information.

    A. evaluate

    B. value

    C. acquire

    D. analyse

  • Câu 30:

    Computers offer a great degree of ___________in the way work is organized.

    A. capability. 

    B. qualification

    C. opportunity

    D. flexibility

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


    J. K. Rowling may be responsible for the revival of fantasy fiction. But her contemporary rivals, many of whom have benefited from her success, seem reluctant to give her credit for starting a trend. Philip Pullman, for example, points out that Northern Lights, the first volume in his trilogy His Dark Materials, was published a year before Harry Potter's adventures began. So it comes as a surprise when G.P. Taylor concedes that he only wrote a novel because of the enormous popularity of Harry Potter.

    Taylor is the Yorkshire vicar who sold his motorbike to self-publish 2,000 copies of his first novel, Shadowmancer, a book that was subsequently picked up by publishers Faber and got to number one in the New York Times bestseller list. His novels conjure up dark, chilling worlds in which the super natural threatens to take over, yet he describes his life as a writer in flatly functional terms. For example, he is able to name the exact day that he became a novelist: March 21, 2002. 'It was one of those seminal moments in my life. Harry Potter was becoming very popular. And I thought, "This woman's written a book. I might write one."

    "I got a copy of Harry Potter, counted the number of words that were on the page, measured the width of the margin, counted the number of chapters in the book, how many pages were in the book and set my computer screen up so that it would have 468 words on the page. My chapters were the same length as the Harry Potter chapters; I thought, "This must be how you write the book."

    The Harry Potter formula has its faults, of course. Stephen King was once asked what he thought of Rowling's novels. Were they thought-provoking? King thought not. But did that matter, he wondered, in a 'fantasy-adventure aimed primarily at children and published in the heart of the summer vacation'? His conclusion was unequivocal: 'Of course not. What kids on summer vacation want - and probably deserve - is simple, uncomplicated fun.'

    Shadowmancer is a simple and uncomplicated fantasy - and Taylor, who is his own most effective critic, makes few further claims for the novel. 'It's a great story, but if I'd written it now, it would be a completely different book. In many ways, it's a clumsy classic. There are a lot of things in there that I would get rid of. And yet, I think that’s the big attraction. It's because it's an incredible adventure story, written by a non-writer, just a storyteller.'

    Taylor returns to this distinction between writing and storytelling a number of times, distancing himself from grand and lofty ideas of the novelist's purpose. He describes himself as a 'fairly uneducated, council-house kid' who ran away to London as a teenager, 'a bit of a chancer, with ideas above his station'. He read Dickens, lots of Orwell - 'they were trendy books to read' - and Kerouac. But he is uncomfortable talking at any length about favourite novels or influences beyond Rowling: 'I have not read all that many books. I'm not, you know, a very literate person.'

    Taylor was a rock-music promoter in his twenties and remains a showman, happiest in front of a crowd. He describes the talks he gives in schools and at book festivals, dressed up as a sea captain or as an 18th-century highwayman in a long black coat. 'You’re using your face, you're using your body, you're acting out what you're doing.' The business of putting his thoughts in writing can be problematic in comparison. As a storyteller, in order to demonstrate shock or alarm to an audience he will "pause between sentences and showed a wide-eyed, staring face. But to describe that in English ...’

    This impatience with the limitation of language can be a positive asset: in Tersia, Taylor's new fantasy, the speed of the narrative and the scale of the events that overwhelm the characters mean there is no time for the story to get bogged down. That said, it is unusual to hear a writer speak in such a dismissive way of his craft. Shadowmancer has been taken on by Universal Pictures, and Taylor does nothing to hide the fact that he thinks 'the movie's more exciting than the book’.

    Câu 31:

    The writer says that many fantasy fiction writers would not agree that____________.

    A. they have copied their ideas from J. K. Rowling

    B. J. K. Rowling's success has contributed to their own

    C. fantasy fiction will remain fashionable for many years

    D. J. K. Rowling is a writer of fantasy fiction in the true sense

  • Câu 32:

    What aspect of the Harry Potter books does Taylor admit to imitating?

    A. the writing style

    B. the storylines

    C. the layout

    D. the cover design

  • Câu 33:

    What does that in paragraph 4 refer to?

    A. the Harry Potter formula

    B. the novels' target audience

    C. the timing of the novels' publication

    D. the novels' failure to make people think

  • Câu 34:

    What opinion does Taylor have of himself?

    A. He is very proud of his achievement as a writer.

    B. He thinks he is a better writer than J. K. Rowling.

    C. He does not regard himself as a serious novelist.

    D. He feels he deserves greater recognition.

  • Câu 35:

    What do we learn about the talks Taylor gives?

    A. He enjoys them more than being a promoter.

    B. He couldn't do them without dressing up.

    C. He finds them easier than writing.

    D. He likes shocking people.

  • Câu 36:

    What does the writer mean by there is no time for the story to get bogged down (the last paragraph)?

    A. The story moves on too quickly.

    B. The plot is never prevented from developing.

    C. Emotions are not dealt with in sufficient detail.

    D. The story is not always as exciting as it could be.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


    What is the point of the education system? Although this question may seem ridiculous at first glance, it is actually not stupid as it sounds. The reason it is (37) __________trying to answer is that schools and university clearly emphasise academic achievement, passing exams and gaining (38) ________much more than acquiring skills such as raising children or car maintenance. But why is it? Why do they neglect to teach practical skills at school?

    One answer may be that schools don't exist to help us gain useful knowledge about the world. At school, what we are (39) ________learning is how to learn effectively. The idea is that we can then make use of that ability later on in life when we come to deal (40) _______ more practical aspects of day-to-day living.

    Câu 37:

    The reason it is (37) __________trying to answer is that schools and university clearly emphasise academic achievement, passing exams

    A. cost

    B. value

    C. worth

    D. price

  • Câu 38:

    and gaining (38) ________much more than acquiring skills such as raising children or car maintenance.

    A. qualifications

    B. skills

    C. qualities

    D. personalities

  • Câu 39:

    At school, what we are (39) ________learning is how to learn effectively. 

    A. actually

    B. factually

    C. gradually

    D. virtually

  • Câu 40:

    The idea is that we can then make use of that ability later on in life when we come to deal (40) _______ more practical aspects of day-to-day living.

    A. at

    B. to

    C. on

    D. with