Today large sums of money go into the search for treatments for a whole range of diseases. Three hundred years ago, when European explorers returned from distant lands with unfamiliar substances they’d found there, the problem was how to (i) _____ the illnesses for which these new imports could possibly be a cure. When the brown chocolate bean was first (ii) _____  into Britain from Mexico, it was thought to have medicinal qualities. Sir Hans Sloane was the man who is said to have (iii) _____  with the idea of mixing the powdered bean with milk. Sloane was an important figure in eighteenth-century London, a landowner whose name lives on in some of the city’s most fashionable streets and squares. Less appreciated is his contribution to the beginning of a national addiction; the (iv) _____ Briton gets through eight kilograms of chocolate a year, a level of consumption exceeded only by the Swiss. Today, when almost every pleasure is regarded as addictive, the name ‘chocoholics” is given to people who can’t get enough of the stuff. (v) _____ of its fat and sugar content, chocolate is usually an enemy of slender elegance.


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