Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

One of the most striking statistics that I have seen in a long time is that 5 percent of all the energy used in the United States is consumed by computers that have been left on all right.

I can’t confirm this personally, but I can (31)____ tell you that on numerous occasions I have looked out of hotel rooms late at night, in a (32)____ of American cities, and been struck by the fact that every light in every neighboring office building is still on, and that computer (33)____ are indeed flickering.

Why don’t Americans turn these things off? For the same reason, I suppose, that so many people here let their car engines (34) ____ when they pop into a shop, petrol and other energy sources are so (35)____ cheap, and have been for so long, that it doesn’t occur them to (36)____ otherwise.

Why, after all, but each morning when you can have it at your immediate command by (38)____ it on all night?

We are terribly (39)____ of resources in this country. The average American uses twice as much energy to get (40)____ life as the average European. With just 5 percent of the world’s population, we consume 20 percent of its resources. These are not statistics to be proud of.


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