Read the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
Future Cures for a Better Future
We all wish we could stay forever young, maintaining perfect health throughout our lives. Unfortunately, this is just a pipe dream. In reality, our bodies start to fall apart as we age. Due to genetic weaknesses, neglecting our bodies, and reckless actions, people often find themselves facing a host of issues. Currently, many of these problems can’t be cured by modern medicine. Yet there is hope in the future that remedies will be developed to eliminate these conditions once and for all. One disease which prevents people from enjoying their golden years is Alzheimer’s. It is a brain condition which causes sufferers to slowly lose their memory and intellectual capabilities, and nearly 25 million people are affected by it. Although most of its victims get sick when they are senior citizens, about 5 percent start to show some effects when they are in their 40s or 50s. Within the next five to seven years, medicines should hit the market which greatly reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s, and may even cure it completely. In addition, researchers are working on a vaccine that could prevent people from getting it in the first place. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases on the Earth. It can strike any organ or quickly spread throughout the body. Despite pumping millions of dollars into cancer research, it has proved to be a difficult disease to defeat. However, scientists are optimistic that they can turn it into a manageable condition within the next decade using a new approach. Doctors envision working with individuals’ DNA to develop more personalized treatments. Although this may not provide a complete cure, it should allow them to extend patients’ lives for many years. Although it is not a disease, baldness is something that many men dread. Although whether we lose hair is based primarily on genetics, many men feel that they did something wrong to cause it. As a result, men have been tricked with pills and routines that promise to cure baldness but actually do nothing at all. As it looks, there may be some effective treatments on the horizon. One involves cloning healthy hair follicles to ensure that men maintain a healthy head of hair. Another involves reawakening old hair follicles that have stop functioning. In the meantime, shaved heads are in style, so men should realize that they have other options.
2. Which of the following people would be most likely to get Alzheimer’s disease?

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