Choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

"United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) organization was (1)  ……. by the United Nations in 1946 to provide food, clothing, and rehabilitative programs (2)…. European children brutalized by World War II (1939- 1945). In 1950 the United Nations made UNICEF (3)……  for improving the welfare of all children worldwide. The organization’s mission is threefold: (I) to ensure that basic nutrition, health, and education needs of children are (4)….. , (II) to give children the opportunity to (5) ….. their potential, and (III) to create an international ethical Standard of behavior toward children.
 Since 1950 UNICEF has focused primarily (6)…… promoting “sustainable development” in more than 150 (7)…… nations. By providing community-based Services to teach community leaders to build wells and sewage-disposal Systems, UNICEF has helped (8)…..  millions of children with clean drinking water and sanitary living conditions. By training educators to develop effective school programs, the (9)….. has enabled children around the world to benefit (10)…..  a primary school education. In recognition of its efforts, UNICEF received the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize."

4. to ensure that basic nutrition, health, and education needs of children are (4)….. , 

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