Probably  the  most  famous  film  commenting  on  twentieth–century  technology  is  Modem  Times,  (1)     in 1936. Charlie Chaplin was motivated to make the film by a reporter who, while interviewing him, happened to describe working conditions in industrial Detroit. Chaplin was told that healthy young farm boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines. Within four or five years, these young men’s health was ruined by the stress of work in the factories.

Scenes of factory interiors account for only about (2)     of the footage of Modern Times, but they contain some of the most pointed social commentary as well as the most comic situations. No one who has seen the film can ever forget Chaplin vainly trying to keep pace with the fast–moving conveyor belt, almost losing his mind in the process. Another popular scene involves an automatic feeding machine brought  to  the  assembly line (3)     workers need not  interrupt their labor to eat. The feeding machine malfunctions, hurling food at Chaplin who is strapped into his position on the assembly line and cannot escape. This serves to illustrate people’s utter (4)         in the face of machines that are meant to serve their basic needs. Clearly, Modern Times has its faults, but it remains the best film treating technology within a social context. It does not offer a radical social message, but it does (5)     reflect the sentiments of many who feel they are victims of an over–mechanized world.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks

(1) ................

Hãy suy nghĩ và trả lời câu hỏi trước khi xem đáp án

Câu hỏi này thuộc ngân hàng trắc nghiệm dưới đây, bấm vào Xem chi tiết để làm toàn bài