Impressionism in painting developed in the late nineteenth century in France. It began with a loosely structured group of painters who got together mainly to exhibit their paintings. Their art was characterized by the attempt to depict light and movement by using pure broken colour. The movement began with four friends who met in a cafe: Monel, Renoir, Sisley and Brazill. They were reacting against the academic standards of their time and the romantic emphasis on emotion as a subject matter. They rejected the role of imagination in art. Instead, they observed nature closely, painting with a scientific interest in visual phenomena. Their subject matter was as diverse as their personalities. Monet and Sisley painted landscapes with changing effects of light, and Renoir painted idealized women and childen. The works of impresionists were received with hostility until the 1920s. By the 1930s impressionism had a large cult following, and by the 1950s even the least important works by people associated with the movement commanded enormous prices

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Impressionism began with a small group of artists who wanted to….

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